Chemoradiation for Locally Advanced Cervical Cancer
Dr Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital Central General Hospital
Dr Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital Central General Hospital
Dewi Rochyantini, Laila Nuranna,
Sigit Purbadi, Gatot Purwoto
Objective : To compare theraupetic respons and disease free survival for locally advanced cervical cancer patient in which treated with chemoradiation and radiation.
Setting : ERIA ward and Oncology Gynecology policlinic in Obstetrics and gynecology Departement dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo General Hospital.
Design : Retrospective Controlled Trial, observational study has been enrolled for 8 years.
Material and Method : 278 pts cervical cancer has been completed theraphy during 1997-2004. Divided into 2 theraupetic group, 199 pts (1997-2000) was radiation group, and 79 pts (2001-2004) was chemoradiation group. Each group has been followed for a year to find out theraupetic respons and recurrence effect, to count down disease free survival.
Result : Theraupetic respons based on each theraphy methods : Radiation group has completed respons 179 cases (89,95%), 14 cases parsial respons (7,04%), 4 cases nonrespons (2,01%) and 2 cases progresif (1,01%). Chemoradiation group has completed respons 73 cases (92,41%), 4 cases parsial respons (5,06%), 1 cases nonrespons (1,27%) and 1 cases progresif (1,27%), (p = 0,899). Theraupetic respons for locally advanced cervical cancer : radiation group has completed respons for 99 cases, parsial respons 8 cases, progresif 2 cases. chemoradiation group has completed respons 63 cases, parsial respons 3. and 1 progresif cases, (p > 0,05).
Disease Free Survival for each theraphy methods : one year DFS for radiation group is 87,07%, and chemoradiation group is 81,66%, two year DFS for radiation group is 79,81%, and chemoradiation group is 68,6%. (p = 0,405). Disease Free Survival for locally advanced cervical cancer : one year DFS for radiation group is 85% and 71,58% in 2nd year, two year DFS for chemoradiation group is 81%, and 66,77% in 2nd year, with recurrence probablility for chemoradiation is 1,09 times higher.
Conclusion : Theraupetic respons in chemoradiation group is not better than radiation group, but not statistically significant. Disease Free Survival and recurrence rate in chemoradiation group is not better than radiation group, but not statistically significant. Recurrence probablility for chemoradiation is 1,09 times higher.
Keywords: Cervical Cancer, Chemoradiation, Theraupetic respons, Disease free survival
1 komentar:
Aww dok. Smg rahmat Allah selalu tercurah untk dokter&klg. Dok, sahabat sy sdg tertimpa musibah dan bingung untuk menentukan alternatif pengobatan Mola, antara kemoterapi atau angkat rahim. krn setelah kuret pendarahan msh berlangsung, hsl lab jg menyatakan bahwa cukup ganas ditambah sel darah putihnya dibawah normal/3000. Dimana dia bs berkonsultasi dg dokter? Penjelasan dokter sgt berarti untuknya. Tks, wss. Hanny
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